Happy New Year from CASATNH!



Thank you MCL INC!

We are honored that our friend Barry Stephenson and his colleagues at MCLinc chose CASATNH to be one of the recipients of this very generous year end gift of $25,000!

Thank you so much for making a difference in the life of a child!

#casatnh #beforthechild #ChildAdvocacy



Waffles with Santa

Thank you to everyone who came out to support CASA  in honor of Judge Jennings B. Meredith.

We had a wonderful turnout, and amazing food!

A special Thank you to Fire & Salt for hosting us and all those who volunteered to make today great! We appreciate you all!

 Month of  Giving Update:

With the generous support from YOU we were able to reach our

Month of Giving Goal of raising $10,000 for our program!
Thank you to everyone who donated, spread the word, and shared our posts & flyers!

It means so much to have the support from our community that we do.
We are forever grateful for the generosity!



 What does a CASA Volunteer do?

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What does a CASA Volunteer do?
We are glad you asked! Here is a general timeline of what a CASA does for a child who enters the Juvenile court system. Casa volunteers meet with all parties involved to determine the best course of action the child/children need in order to thrive. Once they have an idea of what that child/children need they create a report (with the help of their program coordinators) to present to the judge.

It is a vital asset to any Juvenile case that a CASA is assigned. CASAs provide an unduplicated service that has been proven to prevent reentry into the system.

More questions? No problem! reach out to Katherinea@casatnh.org. If this sounds like something that you may be good at or are interested in please visit www.casatnh.org to get started today!
Our next Volunteer Training class will be in late spring of 2025 and that means there is still room for YOU!